"This might be better as a wiki article so anyone can edit it...." - RobbyZ.
Original (un-editable) post at http://forums.8bitmmo.net/index.php?/topic/6369-publicpad-reference-guide/
Disclaimer: This was based off of Sage's Topic on the Publicpad list. Access from the link above :)
Are you tired of typing '/publicpad list' only to find the chat box bumping you back down to the bottom again? Me too!
So here's a typed list of all the publicpad locations at the time this thread was made.
[If this proves useful, I may update it in the future.]
While making this, I found a lot of places I've never been to before.
Maybe you'll find some too?
Key: [*] means it's in a pocket universe, [=65] means it's on Map =65, [=66] means it's on Map =66, If it's blank it's currently unchecked.
The colors/spacing don't represent anything, it just makes finding a specific /tele easier by attributing a color/corner to it. For example: Root is red, and in the top left corner.
[Meep42] .temp (1, 1) [*] [Kaitlan] Meadowhall (-14, -57) [=65]
[Trololo] 1234 (76, 65) [=66] [miyukia] Ivalice (31, -101) [=65]
[kjh787] Zoo (112, -85) [=65] (Gold Farm) [8B1TMC] San Diego (41, -124) [=65]
[sim9] Origin (-3, -1) [=65] [JjAw3som3n3sGRL] rain (-15, 66) [=66]
[Grim Master Death] junk (5, -109) [=65] [Umbreon2013] vanillacyclops (-49, -110) [*]
[Sim9] Root (96, -24) [=65] (instance) [LegoBox] Casino
[Trololo] 17 (-74, 118) [=65] [Jimmy] spike (-34, 75) [=66]
[Meep42] The Meep Directional Challenge (-29, 47) [=65] [Kothanlem] Monaco (126, 110) [=65]
[kjh787] Cat (113, -86) [=65] [DragonslayerWei] hotel (0, -1) [*]
[Trololo] 51 (-84, 119) [=65] [TheKyro] moneypit (-9, -108) [=65]
[Sim9] Dragon (-107, 39) [=65] [Karma42O] rage (64, 25) [*]
[Sibsu] Redrum (-87, 51) [=65] [DrugCrazedRebel] DCR (46, -112) [=65]
[Grim Master Death] Lag (-2, -2) [*] [faustdonner] faust (0, 1) [*]
[StarXStone] Star (118, 37) [=65] [brunosilva5] NYC (-106, 15) [*]
[abt79] sword (105, 55) [=65] [asedita1] TheSouth (-40, 82) [=66]
[thehermitbros] Vine (1, 0) [*] [Shazybot] Oxford (-35, -77) [=65]
[Karma42O] Edge (-2, 2) [*] [BetaRuler] hilltown (96, -65) [=65]
[kjh787] West (-100, 0) [=66] [Karma42O] new town (-96, 113) [=65]
[kjh787] North (0, -100) [=66] [hotzipper] SkyLounge (67, -92) [=65]
[kjh787] East (100, 0) [=66] [nizate] Las Vegas (-1, 1) [*]
[kjh787] South (0, 100) [=66] [MarbelZ] mopshausen (0, 2) [*]
[kjh787] Nubsville (121, -66) [=65] [catsniper27] catsville (1, -1) [*]
[kartud] Ghost Ship (103, 74) [=66] [Myopian] Athens (-11, 83) [=65]
[Karma42O] silver frost (-2, 2) [*] [TheKyro] buy (-15, -107) [=65]
[Sciencegeek123] GeeksLanding (106, -68) [=65] [slendude] TreeTown (0, 1) [*]
[kjh787] Bastion (-89, -9) [=65] [ShadowOfLight] Sweden (15, -79) [=66]
[d0uca] Unum (-108, -60) [=65] [slendude] The Shire (17, -66) [=66]
[StarXStone] noobis (112, 31) [=65] [kjh787] Platshop (-88, 8 ) [=65]
[Sage] di (-123, -125) [=66] (Gold Farm) [kjh787] Spleef (-97, 4) [=65]
[StarXStone] light (104, 36) [=65] [Karma42O] o.p.p. 2.0 (-2, 2) [*]
[kjh787] Atlantis (0, 0) [=66] [Karma42O] Toxic (110, 123) [=65]
[d0uca] project (79, 46) [=66] [Karma42O] o.p.p. (-2, 2) [*]
[StarXStone] nova (106, 24) [=65] [Karma42O] troll (-4, -3) [*]
[Meep42] Meep Sands (-32, 52) [=65] [TheKyro] spawn (-9, -105) [=65]
[kjh787] ZooRB (112, -83) [=65] [Black_Jack] History (69, 32) [=65]
[d0uca] IslandArena (84, 16) [=66] [JjAw3som3n3sGRL] cool a lot (98, 122) [=65]
[swaggerton] swag (94, -76) [=65] [Mayor] Town (0, 0) [*]
[Nalf] nalf (-94, 103) [=65] [Kothanlem] farm (110, -123) [=66]
[Trololo] Lotto (-72, 120) [=65] [Xerp] contest (98, 47) [=66]
[Trololo] Trololo (76, 65) [=66] [dboyleon] Olympus (-51, -81) [=65]
[Trololo] Section 17 (-71, 118) [=65] [Trololo] Bank (-77, 117) [=65]
[StarXStone] Noob (109, 40) [=65] [HoboNinja] hobofarm (-64, 95) [=65]
[kjh787] Fallout (-99, 14) [=65] [Grim Master Death] grim (5, -109) [=65]
[Jimmy] jimmy (0, 0) [*] [Grim Master Death] ice (52, 122) [=65]
[daviduss] Erebor (1, 0) [*] [Derpwolf] derplabs (88, -5) [=65]
[Jamesisch] Venture (-77, 0) [=65] [Arkanoid] arena (-125, -72) [=65]
[Tyza] pvp (0. 0) [*] [Xerp] warehouse (5, -3) [*]
[Saints1317] Amsilia (0,0) [*] [TheFuriousFap] Enigma [*]
[Xerp] help (-4, 0) [*] [Xerp] plots (-4, 0) [*]
[Reaver76] challenge course (-88, 81) [=66] [Xerp] storeroom (5, -3) [*]
[Xerp] tutorial (-4, 0) [*] [Xerp] trade (-4, 0) [*]
[Xerp] shop (3, -3) [*] [Xerp] social (2, 3) [*]
[Karma42O] seattle (0, 1) [*] [Xerp] cipe (1, 0) [*]
[Xerp] epic (0, 0) [*] [lildrummerdrew] Whatev (0, 1) [*]
[Dr. Turtle Burger] Turtle Town (1,0) [*] [Shishio] FantasyIceland (105, 111) [=66]
[TheKyro] belair (-10, -102) [=65] [logrithumn] blackmarket (102, -74) [=65]
[Kothanlem] Paradise (-79, 43) [=65] [asedita1] TheNorth (11, -101) [=66]
[Black_Jack] Joker (0, -3) [*] [AJ1AJ] waterpark (-1, -77) [=65]
[blackclaw727] clawspace (0, 0) [*] [Kothanlem] Koth (112, -125) [=66]
[brikard] Brikard (-16, -47) [=65] [Kothanlem] plat (112, -124) [=66]
[kjh787] HipsterTwo (115, -84) [=65] [kjh787] King (-10, 8 ) [=65]
[kjh787] DireTwo (111, -84) [=65] [kjh787] CatB (115, -86) [=65]
[kjh787] DireOne (110, -84) [=65] [martian] mars (125, -125) [=66]
[kjh787] GameTwo (110, -86) [=65] [KarXKiX] Karkki (-2, 2) [*]
[kjh787] GameOne (112, -86) [=65] [SealedBaylor] Fourson (0, 0) [*]
[kjh787] HipsterOne (113, -84) [=65] [Sim9] Valhalla (46,105) [=65]
[Value] Free (-2, -2) [*] [DeadRunning] Nocturne (-4, 42) [=66]
[Bowjo24] VOK (1, 0) [*] [Ruinkiller] bc (2, 2) [*]
[asedita1] ase (-40, 89) [=66] [kenton246] kenton246 (1, 0) [*]
[shcky] Moo2 (107, 5) [=66] [CRiSiSiDENTiTY] The Mars Landing (0, 1) [*]
[ryank135] riverside (0, 1) [*] [asedita1] Santa (1, -121) [=66]
[LegoBox] lego (-1, 0) [*] [ToxicPenguin_] Arctic (90, 98) [=66]
[Xyther] Winterfell (-3, -89) [=66] [Sim9] Easter (1, 1) [*]
[thehermitbros] dank (56, -3) [=66] [El Dromedario] elly () [=65]
[Alex82] fountain (0,0) [*] [Value] Hell
[Value] Castle [AJ1AJ] tv
[NMSquirrel] SNAP [Scratso] Scrat (40,83) [=66]